
A Collector’s Guide to Nestor Falls Fly-In Gear

February 29, 2016

Dave and I got a great message from a long-time guest the other day ‚Äì Jim Atkins sent us a photo of 22 years’ worth of Nestor Falls gear! “I was looking at my collection yesterday, while dreaming of One Pine,” he said, “but was thinking I have to be missing something.”

It’s more Nestor Falls gear than we’ve known one person to own. Looks like Jim can start his own Nestor Falls Fly-In Outposts gift shop!

His stuff includes 3 t-shirts, 2 mugs, and 7 hats, plus all sorts of gear for in the boat. It’s tough to say whether or not his collection is 100% complete, though. We’ve been in business for 30 years, and begin to forget what we have given away.

Do you think Jim is missing something? If you have a t-shirt or tool, that he doesn’t, you’ll have to let us know. We’re curious to find out!

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Escape to the Wilderness,
Dave & Michelle

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