
Cabins on the Move

July 1, 2013

The time came for us to take our two overnight cabins on a road trip this spring! They were originally located on Lake of the Woods right off of D&M Road and used to host our guests the night before their fly-in.

Dave and I purchased the property over 15 years ago with the intention of one day building our home there. Until then, we decided to use the cabins on the property as overnight cabins. Our guests enjoyed staying at the cabins, but we decided that we aren’t getting any younger and better build our new home before we were too old!

Last fall we decided to move the cabin to Lecuyer’s Resort where our guests could still be on Lake of the Woods for their over night. The resort also has a dining room open for supper and breakfast, which is a nice perk before hopping in your plane to fly off to an outpost.

Prepping the cabins for the 2 mile journey down the highway took a good week. The movers jacked the cabins up and managed to put them on trailers that we drove down the road to Lecuyer’s Resort. We had to have a police escort due to the size of our load. But the cabins made it in one piece! Now we are making plans for our new home on the old lot. So far our guests have been pleased with the new location of our overnight stays.

Escape to the Wilderness!
Dave & Michelle

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