
Can You Believe That Spring is Here?

April 20, 2016

The snow and ice is melting! That means it’s starting to look a lot like spring here in Nestor Falls. It’s not quite time to open the cabins yet, but we are busy putting the final touches on the new dock and the boys are busy making a new home for our propane tanks!

Don’t let the open water in our bay fool you. The lakes are still froze around here and it will be awhile yet before we are flying around. The planes are still up at the hanger getting ready to head back in the water. Some of the staff are coming back this weekend and we all start back May 1st.

If you’ve been thinking about fishing all year long, it’s not too late to book a fly in fishing trip with Nestor Falls Fly-In Outposts. We just got a cancellation at ONEPINE June 10-14 and have a special right now! It won’t last long ‚Äì so catch a good date if you can!

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