Pauli and Dan Go Fishing
July 9, 2017
Pauli and Dan come back to fish at Nestor Falls Fly-In every year ‚Äì and 2017 was the couple’s best trip ever! They caught giant Northerns including six over 40 lbs., including one 44-incher. That photo of Pauli with the Northern is fantastic!
They headed out to beautiful Onepine Lake in mid-May, which has some incredible Northern and Walleye fishing. Pauli told us a silver/blue spoon seemed to work the best for landing her Northern. (Pick up that lure if you don’t have it already!)
The cabin at Onepine also has a great view of the water and woods, and Pauli and Dan got to see a bear swimming and seven eagles!
Escape to the Wilderness,
Dave & Michelle