Wind & Rain Storms Can’t Stop Our Guests!
June 20, 2017
We do everything we can to make our fly-in fishing outposts easy to reach. But sometimes Mother Nature has other ideas!
Our guest Pat Meagher was driving to Nestor Falls, which is 60 miles north of the Canada border. He ran into a crazy wind storm in International Falls, MN on his way up.
While going through IFalls, a tree branch broke and took out the grill of his truck!
That didn’t stop Pat and his group from having a good time, though. They made it to our Nestor Falls Fly-In base safely, and got flown up to Keeper Lake the next day. They released over 400 fish, including nice Northerns and 15-17″ walleyes in 8-10′ of water.
Safe travels to all of our guests who are coming up to Nestor Falls Fly-In!
Escape to the Wilderness,
Dave & Michelle