

February 15, 2019

Winter and I have a love/hate relationship. I kind of love it on days like today as I sit in the office to write this blog the snow is falling and there is something so peaceful and beautiful watching it come down. And then I hate it when winter slaps me in face – like it did a few weeks ago when we had extremely cold temperatures. For about 2 weeks it got down to -44F with the wind chill feeling like -58 F at times.

Now that it has warmed up a little, we are getting dumped with snow. This has been keeping the boys busy plowing and trying to keep the yard at the base cleaned out. It’s snowed so much that we’re running out of places to put it. The upside to all this snow is that our lake levels should be in good shape for spring. As some of you will remember that our lake levels were low and in some areas, and were extremely low in others.

So today the boys have said “to heck with the plowing.” The snow’s not going anywhere. Jon and Kyle headed out first thing this morning for the Indianapolis Sports Show that will start Friday February 15. They’ll be there until Sunday, February 24, so stop by the booth and let them know that I have everything under control back home! (And don’t forget to book this year’s fishing trip!)

Dave has also left the building too. He, along with his buddies Scott and Sam, have left for a few days to do a ride from Nestor Falls to Falcon Lake in Manitoba. They went across Lake of the Woods over to Falcon Lake, then from there they will do another day of riding the trails – which they tell me are like highways. They had some excellent riding with all the new snow we have now.

It’s interesting that no matter how much time we spend in the wilderness, the view is always changing and we just never get tired of it. While out on their trip the boys came across these ice heaves out on the big water of Lake of the Woods which you can see in the picture above. You never know what’s waiting for you around the next corner when spending time in the outdoors. Dave also came across a small timber wolf, and deer are peaking into his motel room. They must be getting tired of the cold too!

Well, with the boys gone I guess it’s up to me to finish the plowing today.

Escape to the Wilderness!

Dave, Michelle & Jon

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